“No GPS technology” is (patent-pending) intellectual property of Qirfiraz Siddiqui
There is NO limit to human STUPIDITY. We divided earth with arbitrary lines called longitude and latitude. Then we sent “24” expensive satellites in orbits, over 12,000 miles away from earth. And now, we ask these far-away satellites what is our distance from these human-created lines “on earth”. And our mobile devices keep on asking about the same “human-created numbers”, several hundred times, during the day. It is like making a long-distance phone call, across the globe, to China, to ask your house number, “while standing in front of your house”. And then, keep on making the same telephone call, “again & again” whenever you come in front of your house. INDEED, there is NO limit to human STUPIDITY.

Our invention of “No-GPS” technology will get rid of this stupidity by embedding a “location-server” on each mobile-device’s battery, so that instead of asking far-flung satellites, the mobile-device will get it’s location from it’s own battery. A typical GPS receiver darws current measured in mili-amperes while a location request to “No-GPS technology Battery” will take just few micro-amperes of current. Thus energy-savings in order of several thousands will be achieved through “No-GPS technology”.
The patent-pending “No-GPS technology Battery” is embedded with wafer-thin micro-electronic circuit comprising of several electro-mechanical sensors which actuate a “deep-learning” neural network. This neural network is equipped with a pre-trained model to estimate current geo-location. And since this circuit is embedded in the battery, it is in “Always ON” state, and keeps on updating location, EVEN if the mobile-device is switched OFF.
“No-GPS technology” has several other embodiments beside “No-GPS Battery” which includes a “battery-less, energy-harvesting location-beacon” for fixed-location public-places like shops/offices, and a “battery-less” mobile-location-server which uses piezo-electric/vibration energy.
For further info, email to : Inventor@NoGPS.Earth